Friday, August 26, 2011

Why Words Matter

In the comment section following this post, please record your observations regarding the above photograph. Share whatever comes to mind, and then suggest a title for the statue. Be sure to explain why you've chosen to name it as you have.

In crafting your response, remember that our purpose here is two-fold. First, we want to engage in a thoughtful, creative, and interesting exchange. The nature of that discussion will vary from week to week, and will often seem completely unrelated to the content of our lessons or classroom discussions. This will sometimes prove untrue, but is ultimately of little consequence. What matters most is that we think. Second, I want for you to write. Place your fingers on the keyboard, and make the miracle happen. Believe it or not, you are a writer. I am giving you the opportunity to prove it to the world.

There are some rules by which we must all abide.

  • Practice civility. A lack of courtesy will not be tolerated in this forum. Do not take this to mean that you must practice political correctness or otherwise censor yourself. I encourage a healthy debate. I encourage originality. I simply ask that you consider your classmates' positions, elevate your diction, and thereby elevate our discourse.
  • Each of us must respond to the original prompt at least once during the week. We must also reply to at least one of our classmates responses. To clarify, you will be crafting at least two comments for each post.
Other rules may follow as we all become more familiar with this particular format. For now, I only ask that you try to enjoy yourself.

- Mr. D

P.S. Some of you may be interested to know that the statue in question currently resides only 60 minutes away in the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts. There you will also find a collection of work by Degas, Picasso, Manet and Monet. Field trip?


In order to comment, simply click on "COMMENTS", craft your response in the space provided, and then select "Name / URL" for an identification. Type your real name, and not an alias or internet moniker. Comments that are not posted with a name will not stand, and will be removed from the discussion.